Thursday, August 16, 2012

Well here's a funny!

Don't ask why cause I don't even know but this has been a theme in my life lately. I've been talking to several friends about dating. It's not an easy topic because I am a teenage girl but it's a topic that I like to discuss because it's normal. I think teenagers SHOULD talk about dating because the more taboo we make it, the less we'll get it, the less we'll understand it.

Now here are my views on dating and if you are a teenage girl, PLEASE consider some of these things, please!!

First of all, DON'T EVER DATE SOMEONE YOU WOULD NOT MARRY!! What I mean by this is, don't date someone that doesn't have the qualities you see in your future husband or wife. That right there is so huge because most teenagers date just to date. Girls date because they want, they NEED someone to tell them they are beautiful and they don't want to be the only one of her friends without a boyfriend, most guys date because they are guys and they have hormones. I feel that most teenagers date simply because that's what everyone else is doing. DON'T, just don't date for that reason. Don't date just any guy or girl you like, just because you like a person it does not mean you should date them. Be very selective and whatever you do, don't just date someone because of their looks, those come and go, date someone because you adore their heart and who they are.

Second of all, girls, until you realize that you are beautiful you are always going to need a boy there to tell you that and it's going to destroy you because you won't always have that. You need to recognize your own beauty. Beauty is not a size 0 with light eyes and beautiful hair, beauty is whatever YOU think it is! Yes it does lie in the eye of the beholder so don't let the world tell you whether you are or aren't beautiful. Other people can see it, why can't you? Why do you believe the lies people feed you? YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!! And you DON'T need a guy to make you happy, when God made you he didn't make a two for one package, "I'll give you this girl and I'll throw in this guy too, for free!!". No, God doesn't make market deals like those. He brought you into this world without a boy next to you, what makes you think you need one now? If you really feel like you need a boy to tell you that you are beautiful, God says it in the bible SEVERAL times! TRUST HIM!!

Guys, don't let your hormones get the best of you, yeah some girls like players but princesses will always wait for their prince. You want a girl that completely blows your mind? Fine, then build yourself up so that you can be even more amazing to her than she is to you. Don't go around telling sweet words to every girl you have feelings for and please make sure that what you feel is not lust. If you like a girl make sure it's not just her looks that draw you to her.

In my opinion, you don't need to date someone to show them you care for them. Honestly. In fact, I think the best way to show someone your love and appreciation for them is NOT to date them, get to know them extremely well first, get to know their views on dating, their dreams, their needs, know this person really well before you even consider the idea of maybe dating them someday. Get to know this person but guard your heart, even though you should be honest with this guy or girl don't be TOO honest where you are telling them everything about everything in your life, only your husband or wife is entitled to that.

Now I'm almost an adult and I still haven't had my first kiss. In jr high this kind of made me feel ashamed because all of my friends were getting their first kiss and I wanted that so badly! Now as a senior in high school I feel SO HAPPY that I haven't kissed anyone. I had one boyfriend and I never kissed him, I wasn't planning on kissing him until later in our relationship. We ended up breaking up after 3 weeks so that never happened (thank God!) but my point is that ever since I can remember I've never wanted to rush the whole kissing thing and now I'm glad I didn't because I really really really want to give that to my husband. You may think it's old fashioned but just think for a second, if you knew who your future spouse was and you saw him or her kissing someone else, how would you feel? I don't want to be kissing just any guy I date. That's giving a part of myself to just random guys. They may be special guys but they are not THE special guy (my future husband). If you ask me I think you shouldn't kiss every guy you date, in fact you should only kiss your future husband.

If the kissing thing is extreme, imagine how I feel about sex. Every person should stay pure until marriage, I believe I discussed it in my purity post so I'm not gonna go into much detail but I can't fathom the idea of being with more than one partner, I just can't. I can't imagine myself being loved like that by more than one guy. And if you are a teenager, you have no business having sex, don't sleep around with whoever you are dating, it's ridiculous! What's the point? Please help me understand what's the point? What's the point of giving a part of yourself to someone who you don't know as well as you think. You never stop knowing a person, specially not teenagers, we grow and change constantly, do you really think you TOTALLY know someone who is still changing? Who is still discovering him/herself?

Yes I like someone. I like this boy because it takes him a second to make me smile, everytime we are together I can never stop smiling. No boy has ever looked at me the way he does. He loves God more than anything in his life and he has a crazy passion for Him. He is the most handsome guy in the entire world according to me and everytime he hugs me I feel safe. He treats me like a princess and he protects me even when I don't want to be protected. He is WILLING to follow God's will and thats all I could ask of him. He loves God more than he loves me and that's the best thing about him. No we are not dating and I don't think we are going to date for a while because we both have A LOT of spiritual growing to do. I need to fall in love with God before I can fall in love with a man, especially with this boy. I'm not saying don't date, I'm saying be careful, don't go around dating just anyone and have your lines very well drawn and defined before you date because the person you are dating might now want the same things you want when it comes to a relationship. As for me, I pray that God guides me because I want to date only one guy, my future husband.


  1. Seems like you have a good head on your shoulders. I am praying for you too.

  2. Amen! Thanks for the post! :)
    ~Heavenly Princess (formerly known as King's Daughter) :)
