Thursday, March 28, 2013


Ok, hi! I know I've been gone for a while but I just haven't had anything in mind that I really wanted to blog about, I didn't die or anything though :)

But I heard a sermon about this so over the last few days I've really been thinking a lot about marriage, and I guess it's the perfect timing since there's all this stuff going on with gay marriage. So get ready, this is why I think gay marriage SHOULD be legal and why I am completely 100% against it. Beware: this is going to be a bit of a rant.

I have NOTHING against gay people, nothing at all, and I do know a bunch of gay/lesbian/bisexual people. The reality is that homosexuality IS a sin, Leviticus 18:22 says it and it talks about it in Romans as well. God said to love one another, love EVERYONE, but for some reason in our culture the words "love", "tolerance" and "acceptance" seem to all mean the same thing. Well they don't, loving someone does not mean you have to accommodate your believes and opinions so that that person can feel accepted, and just like love is not acceptance, acceptance is not love either, sometimes when people accept us for the wrong reasons we think we feel loved and so we crave that, we associate the feeling of love with the feeling of acceptance because we are living in a tolerant society, but since when is tolerance something that can measure how much you love a person? To me, love is everything that the bible says it is but the love for a neighbor includes loving that person by accepting who they truly are while not having the obligation of tolerating their life styles. I can accept the fact that some people are gay but I do not have to tolerate their life choices, does that mean I can bash on them? No, because then it wouldn't be love. I love gay people but I do not agree with gay marriage. Plain and simple. I accept them and their personalities but I don't have to tolerate their relationships with their partners. It's just like with any other sin, love the alcoholic not the addiction, love the adulteress not the action of adultery, etc.

Should it be legal? Sure, I don't mind that, but calling an apple an orange doesn't make it an orange, and calling gay marriage "marriage" does not make it marriage. So...what is marriage?

A couple of days ago I was in Ephesians 5: 22-33, it talks about marriage and the role of the wife and the role of the husband. Well I was thinking, marriage is the biggest picture of how our love and our relationship with God should be like. When you really like someone, you think about them all the time, you long to talk to them and be with them, to be held by them, your heart jumps at the sight of that person, every little thing they do means the world to you and so on and so forth, two people that are married feel all of this and more, especially at the beginning of the relationship. You don't want to harm that person, you want to do everything in your power to keep them from heartbreak, you want to be a source of joy in their life, the reason why they smile everyday.

God loves us like this and even more so, he desires our attention, he thinks about us all the time, when we call out to him and pray to him his Spirit lights up and his heart rejoices when we worship Him, that is how a man should love a woman, he should cherish her. We are cherished by God through Jesus Christ. Marriage is two people becoming ONE, a husband and wife are completely intertwined and whatever the husband does affects the wife, whether it's good or bad, well although our actions don't affect God, they play a role on the plans he has for us, they don't mess them up! But they do play a role. But God's actions do affect us, the action of sending his son to the cross and therefore making a way for salvation affects our lives and how we live them, we are free to live by grace, we are free to have a personal relationship with God, a marriage with God, a relationship where we have a crazy love and passion for Him that we will defend until the end of time because we are now ONE, Christ dwells in my heart and I am his, I am a co-heir with Christ.

 The more I live life and the more I see people around me I realize that a wedding ring and a piece of paper don't make a marriage, two people willing to truly be one in heart and soul, to work things out through it all and to give the glory to God within their marriage make a marriage.

You wanna know why I'm against gay marriage? Because you cannot take something so precious that God designed as a picture of our relationship with Him and allow it to be used as a description of a sinful relationship, because it is sinful. The state can make it legal all they want, but if two people are not married in the eyes of God, then they're not married at all, and maybe it should be legalized, but until God says you're married, the world can say whatever it wants to say but sadly, you're not married.

The world's definition of marriage is twisted and defiled and I pray with all my heart that someday my marriage mirrors my personal relationship with my Father, that my love for my husband and his love for me amazes the people around us and that they may get a glimpse of how beautiful God's love for all of us is and how committed I am to my marriage with God.

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one's house for love, it would be utterly scorned." Song of Solomon 8: 6-7

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