Wednesday, June 12, 2013

The End of an Era

Today marks the end of an era......and what a beautiful era it was!!!! Today was my official last day of high school EVER!!! And honestly, I am emotionally drained. I took my AP Psych final while crying and all I did all day was cry, stop crying, cry again.

The school that I attend right now was my dream school, ever since I was in 7th grade I wanted to go there, when mom would drive by that school I would be mesmerized and I could see myself there, I wanted to see myself there. When the time came, I was supposed to go to another school, and I was ok with that, but God kind of likes to do this thing where he'll tease me to see if I'll trust Him and after that, He'll usually give me what my heart desires. Without me knowing me, He was testing me, He was beginning to prepare me for what was coming.

You see it was in high school that I made the most important decision of my entire life, it was my sophomore year of high school that I decided that I wanted to follow Christ.

Many kids go to my school and they make a name for themselves for doing sports, or being in the plays, the musical, being in orchestra or choir or band, for being in the art program or for being one of those super smart kids, maybe they join an ethnic club so they dance with that club and that's how they're known, and although I did participate in many of those activities, that's not the name I made for myself. Somehow, I managed to make myself known for being a Christian, when people think of me they usually think of religion or Christ or the bible, I didn't know that could happen, I didn't know God could use me to do that. You see I'm going to miss my high school, THAT building, because it was there, at a public school, that God (somehow) brought me to Him. I think about that and it blows my mind to see how huge God's plan was for me, and how my plans were NOTHING compared to what He had in mind for me. That's why He wanted me there, because I belonged there! Because He needed me there.

I'm going to miss my friends, I don't know what it's going to be like to not see all these familiar faces in the hallways, or to not be in a class with a close friend. During high school, I have met some of the most incredible people ever, I have so many memories and so many great moments that will go with me wherever I go. I have made many friends during these 4 years and now we are all going to be scattered everywhere, and now it's time for these bonds to prove how strong they are. I know I'm going to grow apart from some people, some people will leave my life and some will come in, but these 4 years that I've shared with these people will never leave my memory. People may change but memories don't, and that's one of the most beautiful things in life, that blows my mind and I thank God for designing it that way.

I'm going to miss my teachers, during those 4 years I seriously had some of the greatest teachers, just today my division (or advisory) teacher got us a cake to celebrate that we were moving on! I had some cool teachers and some strict teachers, and those teachers that you can see yourself hanging out with, I had some teachers whose advice can still get me through life at times, I had extremely smart teachers and extremely annoying teachers but never in my 4 years of high school have I appreciated the education they have given me more than today, never have I loved each and every single one of them more than I do today. People say this and that about public school and I know that I myself have complained about them, but in all honesty, you find some of the most caring teachers in the world in public school. My teachers have encouraged me to go to tutoring, to seek help, they have helped me pass classes, they have helped me get to college and most of all, they have allowed me to share my beliefs in class and that, that is the greatest thing my teachers have done for me.

I'm going to miss everything about high school but I want to leave you guys with a few things that I have learned in high school, things that I have been learning since my freshman year up until this very last day. Here we go:

Enjoy EVERY SINGLE DAY because time flies.

4 years is too short, make friends and find people who will love you for you.

Don't try to fit in, don't loose yourself for the sake of finding others.

At the end of the day, you'll realize that you really truly do love these people.

Boyfriends and crushes?? Really not that important, I know, I had a mega crush on this mega handsome kid for 2 years and he barely talked to me and today, compared to everything else that happened in high school, it's not that important. Date all you want but never forget that boys should never be your priority in high school. Enjoy time with your friends.

Complain about homework and school all you want! Seriously, homework is annoying. But appreciate the fact that at least you're getting an education

And above all, please please thine own self be true. You could go many different ways in high school, never compromise your convictions and always have a solid ground, your words should always match your actions.

I pray that during your high school years God will lead many of you to Him the way he led me.

I don't know what God has in store for me now that I'm going to college but I can guarantee one thing: whatever I have in mind for myself is nothing compared to what God wants to do with me in college. Yes, I'm terrified, yes, I hate change, but it is time to move on, it's time for me to spread the gospel somewhere else, for me to meet new people, to make new friends and new memories. I am extremely sad to be moving on but I'm excited to see where God wants to take me.

Lets see where God goes with this :) I'm graduating on Tuesday, after's college time!!! Lets do this!

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