Thursday, June 20, 2013

In honor of the most inspiring girl I've ever met

As you can tell I like to inspire people, but a lot of people inspire me as well. This week I have been blessed with doing a lot of work for my ministry, you can read more about it here,

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Anyways, not for the REAL subject of this post. A year and 7 months ago I met the most fascinating girl I've ever met, somehow this girl became my best friend and she is now my ministry partner. She fascinates me because nothing stops her, her she's a fighter, she's a competitor, she likes to get ahead in life, but not by stumbling over people, she likes to get ahead by facing her struggles up front and overcoming them.

I'm talking about Princess Faith. She has been through so much, not only has she struggled with her self image, her self confidence and coming out of her shell, but she has also had to go through the separation of her family due to the fact that they were homeless for a year, a fake accusation of child abuse, sickness and more recently the separation of her parents. Somehow she is not bitter, somehow she still loves God and she's still one of the sweetest people I know.

She amazes me because through it all she still has a heart for helping others, she still wants to be a light in the life of others. I think the world doesn't know how amazing she is, and tonight I want to honor her by truly expressing how much she means to me.

I have been blessed with the title of "ministry partner", you see Faith is blessed to have many Christian friends, many Christians best friends, she has known all of those people her entire life (literally) and yet she chose me, ME! To be her ministry partner, I met this girl just a year ago!! It's crazy! To this day I don't understand why she chose me, because I can be so selfish and so lazy at times and her heart for helping others is so much greater than mine. She has so many wonderful things to say and so many encouraging words and she's good at keeping up with the people that she helps. I'm so bad at all of that! And I'm not worthy of being her ministry partner. Because I'm strange, when I go through struggles I just look at the silver linings and everything just seems so easy for me, because I try to find the joy in it, I concentrate on how this will make me stronger and not the fact that this is hurting. My heart is fulfilled by my God and that's why when things happen to me now, I go into shock, but it takes more than a few words to shake me. But she knows about pain, she knows about hurting so much more than I do, and when someone she knows is hurting, she hurts with them. I can't do that, I can be totally sympathetic but I can't feel the pain that they feel. She does. She's wonderful because all she wants is to take away that person's pains and problems. She is incredible, and she loves to work out, which is the best picture of who she is: she will endure the pain as long as it means that she's getting stronger. That's who she is. A fighter.

I have seen her go through the worst days of her life and right after those days happen the first thing she does is seek how to help someone. She'll message people on tumblr, she'll help people on twitter, she'll blog about it, text someone something encouraging, ANYTHING to make someone feel better. And THAT gives her so much joy!! And it amazes me how quickly she can bounce back from any situation. I am not worthy to be her best friend, I am not worthy to be the one that she wants to share this ministry with, and yet, God has shown me His grace through her eyes, through her life. The more I learn about her, the more I realize that she is a force to be reckoned with, someone I could never match up to.

So many people look down on her, they underestimate her because she tends to be shy, they don't look closely at her talents, at her heart, so they just think she's just....Faith. She's just the girl that likes to make everyone's day and she's wonderful, she's great at that, she's the, etc ect. No my friends, she is so much greater than that. She is the girl that loves God so much, that her way of honoring Him, of shining His light, of being in His presence IS being THE light....UNCONDITIONALLY!!! No matter how she feels, no matter what's going on, no matter what mood she's in, she will put others first. And she keeps trying and trying to let go of her fears, to listen to God. No she's not perfect, no she doesn't always gets it right but she ALWAYS TRIES! And to me, that's all that matters.

She's a champion, not a winner, a champion. She may not always win her battles, but she always trains herself to be ready for them. It's not about how many times she has overcome her struggles, to me, it's all about how she has used those struggles to her benefit and the benefit of those she tries to help.

Wow. Never in my life did I ever think I would be this blessed by God, No matter where we go in life, no matter where our friendship goes and even if tomorrow she decides to wake up and hate me for the rest of my life...she will remain to be the most selfless person I have ever met, and by far one of the toughest fighters.

Dear Faith,

All I can say is thank you. I truly love you to the moon and back. May the force be with you. Always.


Your loving and unworthy friend.

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