Saturday, February 25, 2012

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for a time of adversity.

If there's anything that I've been thinking a lot about lately, friendship would have to be it. These past couple of months I've been blessed with the opportunity to meet a lot of new people and gain a lot of new friends, church friends. I've been a very social person my whole life and I've had all kinds of friends but when I look at my christian, they really make a difference in my life. There are some friends that we choose for ourselves and then there are those that God chooses for us. When I was in Jr. High I had a great group of friends and to this day I still love those kids to death, but they weren't a good influence on me, they were kids that were rushing through life and I didn't want to be that way but they were sort of pulling me in. Those were the friends that I had chosen for myself, and then while I was on the process of accepting salvation God started putting more amazing kids in my path, kids that were living a life closer to the one I wanted to live, kids who were obedient and didn't do drugs or alcohol. After I was saved God poured out his love for me and introduced so many great people in my life, godly kids that make my faith stronger everyday.
I love the people God has chosen for me, these friends are the ones that I want to have for the rest of my life, they are on fire for God and they are loyal and truthful and they love me as much as I love them. They inspire me to be the best I can be and to love God and honor him everyday. Of course I have friends who are not christian and I love them as well, they are good kids who want the best for me and who love me despite the fact that I am a Jesus freak :)
You see I've had the chance to help several friends in need lately and they come to me and tell me how awesome I am but truth is, they are the awesome ones. They make me stronger and seeing them stand up from their struggles and try to hold on to God's hand while they do it really gives me hope and encourages me.
There's three people in particular that I want to mention. I want to start with a girl my age who I met about a year ago, she goes to school with me and she has a lot of faith in God. She's been struggling a lot with her relationship with this guy and she was telling me about it last night because this is really getting to her, I tried to help I told her a couple of Bible verses and she said that she was thankful for me being in her life. I never get tired of telling her how much of a blessing she is for me, I mean I have complete trust in this girl, she has gone through so many things in her life and she still smiles and loves God, it is amazing to see the wonderful woman she's becoming, she's strong and passionate and dedicated and loving.
Then there's a boy and a girl that I met recently, they are both 2 years younger than me but they are already like family. I trust these two people with pretty much anything and even though they are both carrying heavy loads in their lives they are willing to help me carry mine. This girl is like my sister and everytime I need prayer she's there for me and we were talking one time and I started crying and she cried with me and it wasn't even that serious! But still she cried and those tears meant a lot to me. And this boy is the most trust worthy guy I've ever met, he always gives me great advise and he's so wise for his age. He's always there for me and he trusts me as much as I trust him.
These people define friendship for me. So here's my question, how do you define friendship? What are the friends that you want to have in your life? Because let me tell you, the friends that I chose for me, yeah they were great but the friends that God chose for me, wow they are a blessing. Open the eyes of your heart and see who are your real friends, the ones worth having who will make a difference in your life. I know I want these kids to be in my life forever because they make my soul dance, but what about you?

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