Friday, April 6, 2012

The little things....

So I've been gone for quite a while. I've been busy with school and really trying to put my thoughts together and thinking what I want to blog about. I want to talk about the little things, those small acts of kindness that we miss, that we don't appreciate. Lately God has been showing me a lot of kindness trough other people, through the kind people that he has placed in my path. I love it when people give me presents or whatever but once in a while it's just nice to receive a smile. It's refreshing to receive a smile from a complete stranger. I've been blessed with totally kind people in my life and when I think about all the little things that they've done for me, they think it's little but for me it's a HUGE deal. There's several people at my church that give me rides when I need them, that for me is something huge! There's a friend at school that if I'm not in class, she'll always ask what's wrong or where I'm I. There's a friend that if I tell her I'm hungry, she will make me food, she brought me a taco to church one time just because I told her I was craving tacos. A taco!!! She didn't realize that that was a huge act of love for me. A couple of months ago I was with some friends and one of my friends had like a small candy thingy and I started joking saying that I wanted it, as he was unwrapping it he said "no", then I said "Ok, I see how it is" and while he was unwrapping it he offered it to me. He knew I was joking but he still wanted to give it to me anyways. Sometimes we get all caught up in the big things that people do for us that we forget the magnitude of the little things. A smile, a sweet text, a nice post on facebook, a hug, it's so easy to appreciate those things. Today I encourage you to pay attention to all the little things that are given to you, but not only that, give back!!! Yes. Give a smile, a compliment, a hug, a high five. Guys, it's so easy to be kind! Don't take the little things for granted, embrace them. Don't go around thinking you deserve the world, be humble and kind, try it. I can't tell you how good it feels to just smile at someone, engage in conversation with them and compliment them and share stories with them. Helping people is one of my favorite things to do. Be kind, not because of what you are going to get out of it, but because of what you've already been given because of it. At the end of the day, don't underestimate the power of the little things........size matters not.


  1. Yoda quote:)
    Amazing blog. The little things make me smile so much. Thats why I try to do nice small things for other people because I always think "how would I feel if someone did that for me? "

  2. Yeah I know! Your blog inspired me to write about this topic
